Saturday, August 22, 2020

Statistics 401 Mod 3 SLP - Hypothesis Testing II Coursework

Insights 401 Mod 3 SLP - Hypothesis Testing II - Coursework Example It is just founded on a hunch or general perception without hard realities to help it. This infers it requires a methods for testing whether it is valid toward the finish of the exploration. There are two kinds of speculation; one is the invalid theory which entreats that there is no connection between two factors under perception. On account of this examination in which the factors are my stock cost and the DJIA, The invalid speculation is that there is no connection between my stock cost and the DJIA. The second sort of speculation is the elective theory. This offers the contrary thought from that of the invalid theory. It expresses that in fact there is a connection between the two factors being referred to. ... 1.86 3.46 - 12.87 54 15.08 227.41 12 - 2.41 5.81 36.34 48 9.08 82.45 18 3.59 12.89 32.59 37 - 1.92 3.69 16 1.86 3.46 3.57 70 31.08 965.97 15 0.59 0.35 18.34 23 - 15.92 253.45 12 - 2.41 5.81 38.37 36 - 2.92 8.53 13 - 1.41 1.99 4.12 35 - 3.92 15.37 14 - 0.41 0.17 1.61 21 - 17.92 321.13 11 - 3.41 11.63 61.11 55 16.08 258.57 16 1.86 3.46 29.91 TOTAL 467 2183.95 173 52.66 208.61 AVERAGE 38.92 14.41 r= 208.61 [(sqrt 2183.95)(sqrt 52.66)] = 0.309 Confirming in the table of the estimation of r demonstrated as follows:- If r = +.70 or higher Very solid positive relationship +.40 to +.69 Strong positive relationship +.30 to +.39 Moderate positive relationship +.20 to +.29 feeble positive relationship +.01 to +.19 No or irrelevant relationship - .01 to - .19 No or immaterial relationship - .20 to - .29 frail negative relationship - .30 to - .39 Moderate negative relationship - .40 to - .69 Strong negative relationship - .70 or higher Very solid negative relationship ‘r’ is somewher e in the range of 0.30 and 0.39 and hence a moderate positive relationship. This infers there is moderate positive connection between my stock cost and the DJIA. This affirms the elective speculation which expressed that; there is a connection between my stock cost and the DJIA REFERENCES Soper, H.E., Young, A.W., Cave, B.M., Lee, A., Pearson, K. (1917). On the dispersion of the relationship coefficient in little examples. Informative supplement II to the papers of Understudy and R. A. Fisher. A co-usable investigation, Biometrika, 11, 328-413.

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